1. Shiftan, Y., and Goulias, K. (Guest Editors), Selected papers from the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, Special Issue of the Journal of Choice Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-148, 2010, with editorial pp. 1-4
2. Shiftan Y., and Shefer, D. (Guest Editors), “Evaluating the impact of transport projects: lessons for other disciplines.” Special Issue of Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 311-396, 2009, with editorial pp. 311-314
3. Ben-Elia, E., and Shiftan Y. (Guest Editors), “Understanding behavioral change: an international perspective on sustainable travel behaviors and their motivations.” Selected Papers from the 12th World Conference on Transportation Research, Special Issue of Transport Policy, Vol. 26, 2013, with editorial pp. 1-3
4. Zamparini, L., Shiftan Y. (Guest Editors), “Transport security: theoretical frameworks and empirical applications.” Selected Papers from the 1st joint meeting of the Network on European Communication Transport Activity Research (NECTAR) Cluster 7 on Transport and Security and the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) Special Interest Group (SIG) 14 on Transport Security, Special Issue of Transport Policy, Vol. 28, 2013, with editorial pp. 61-62
5. Rasouli, S., Shiftan, Y, and Timmermans, H, “Current issues in choice modeling: choice set specification, non-utility-maximizing behavior and discrete-continuous choice problems.” Selected papers from the 2012 International Association of Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), Special Issue of the Journal of Choice Modeling, Vol. 9, 2013, with editorial pp. 1-2.
6. Mulley, C., Rizzi, L.I., Millett, C., and Shiftan, Y., Public transport and health: publicising the evidence, Special Issue of the Journal of Transport & Health, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2016, With Editorial, pp. 131-132
7. DiCiommo, F., and Shiftan, Y., “Transport and Equity”, Special Issue of the journal Transport Reviews. Vol. 37, No. 2, 2017.